Approximate timeline outlining the planning schedule, public engagement activities, and important dates.
Review current Louisiana statewide plans and regional transportation plans.
Survey Legislators to gather input from a policy perspective.
Conduct a comprehensive statewide public survey to determine existing and future transportation preferences and priorities to help plan how and where limited transportation funding should be invested.
Conduct a visioning workshop to define the vision, goals, objectives, and performance measures.
Perform socioeconomic characteristics analysis, examine existing and emerging trends, and forecast future travel demand to identify future performance-based multimodal modal needs and ways to improve transportation efficiency.
Develop a financial plan to understand how much federal and state funding will be available to invest over the next 30 years.
Compile a draft plan and gather feedback through extensive stakeholder and public outreach, including tribal and underserved populations, to help prioritize investments.
Present and implement the final plan.
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