In preparation for the 2025 Plan update, several statewide plans were reviewed to ensure that the new Louisiana Statewide Transportation Plan would be in alignment with and potentially build upon current plans, strategies, and forecasts. Other plans reviewed include the Louisiana State Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP), LA Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Plan, and Statewide Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan, among numerous others.
Everyone in Louisiana relies on transportation. Whether it is to move products to market, to fly into a city to attend a conference, to travel to work, or ride a bike to a park, transportation is involved. In the next 30 years, Louisiana’s economic health and quality of life may be at risk because of transportation funding challenges. Costs of providing infrastructure and services are up, but revenue is down. Maintaining what already exists continues to take a larger portion of available funds, leaving limited opportunities for addressing other significant transportation needs. This situation calls for a comprehensive look at how transportation can best address Louisiana’s needs in the long-term under the influence of the current economic climate. In short, what type of transportation investments will best serve Louisiana?
In late 2003, the Louisiana Statewide Transportation Plan was completed by the Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD) and was adopted by the Louisiana Investment in Infrastructure for Economic Prosperity (LIIEP) Commission. The Plan, which included extensive participation and input from agencies and major stakeholders throughout the state, addressed multimodal transportation needs within the context of a growing economy. A few years later, Hurricanes Katrina and Rita redefined needs. As a result, a Review and Status report was completed in 2008 that considered the impacts of the storms and reported on the implementation status and updated construction costs of the 2003 Plan recommendations. The Statewide Transportation Plan was last updated in 2015 and is now being reworked to account for changing transportation needs, technological advancements, and a diversified economic landscape.
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